Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Book Genres and You - The Well-Rounded Reader

The majority of modern day's avid readers each have a preference in regards to book genres. Most have their one type of book that they are passionate about, sincerely devoted to that particular book genre, idea, or even author. They choose their reading material meticulously, keeping within the safe and soothing boundaries of what they like. Of what they know. What good can it do for the psyche and the soul to take a step beyond, outside of the comfort zone? Could it perhaps direct the reader towards becoming a more well rounded individual?

Exploring different book genres can unlock the mind and heart to welcome new knowledge, innovative possibilities, and even self discovery and gratification. A dedicated mystery reader could open a book about war, or blur the lines a bit less and choose a nonfiction account of an unsolved murder. Just as the nonfiction reader who has extensive knowledge of history or production, may perhaps choose to explore a story from the fantasy genre, therefore opening the doors to a new world, exercising the senses and strengthening the imagination. Someone who typically leans toward horror or suspense may find unexpected enjoyment from a humorous story or a book on world travel. Readers who frequent the bestsellers rack when they are looking to buy books could stroll around the store; something from uncharted territory is bound to catch their eye. It's part of the beauty that is words in print - the ideas, the voices, and the endless choices.

New book genres and subgenres are emerging, offering us more guidance in weighing out our options and making our choices. In a chaotic world, there are some things we cannot choose, however the book in your hand when the day unwinds... the world that exists within that binding is a choice that is always yours. Expanding your horizons and exploring new book genres can prove beneficial to potentially any reader. When a guest in your home looks at your book shelf, they should see the many sides of your character, and if you've edged your way out from behind your previous boundaries, they'll even learn a few things about you that they never knew before.

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